Christ the King

Apr 29, 20204 min

Archdiocesan Bulletin Announcements: May 3, 2020

“And Peter said to them, ‘Repent, and be baptized, every one of you,

in the name of Jesus Christ…” (Acts 2:38)

The word “repent” means to turn from sin, to change our actions. Change that is permanent comes from within. It requires prayer, discipline, and perseverance. Change is also hard. We have to recognize that we are broken and need help. The good news - we are not alone in our journey. Ask Jesus daily for guidance and patiently listen for his response.

Livestream Weekday and Sunday Mass

Masses are live-streamed at 9:00 AM daily from Resurrection Parish

Archbishop Donald Bolen’s Weekly Message

View the latest weekly video message from Archbishop Donald Bolen

Thinking Faith - Q&A

Deacon Eric and Dr. Brett talk fortune cookies, dinosaurs, and suspension of Masses due to COVID-19 in this previously recorded episode of their first-ever live podcast. (Original recording date: April 27, 2020)

Show Snippet: "Let's acknowledge at the front end, from a Catholic point of view, that the Eucharist is more essential than actual food that will keep you alive...people assume that if you'll close the church but keep the grocery store open what you're saying is that natural food is more important that spiritual food, but there are layers of consideration in here..."

New for use in Rural Parishes and Parents of Rural Parishes

The Growing in Faith/Growing in Christ Program is the same Religious Education program used in Catholic Schools across the Archdiocese. Please pass it along to as many rural people as you can.

Contact Rob for more information at

Burns Hanley Update

Due to the recent restrictions from the Province of Saskatchewan our store is temporarily closed. Starting April 21, if you need to purchase or pick up an order, please call 306-359-3606 between 10 am and 2 pm, Tuesday to Saturday to make an appointment.

(Our regular phone # will only play a message)
Thank you for supporting us.

We look forward to the day
these challenges are behind us.

May God Bless and Protect Us All.

Spilling the Tea: on Catholic Social Teachings

30 years and most people still don’t know about them! Learn what they are and ask our weekly guest how they live them out Tuesdays at 7:00 PM on Facebook

COVID-19 Updates

The Archdiocese of Regina, in communication with Catholic health leaders, has compiled a series of one-page directives and guidelines on a variety of issues affecting churches and sacramental practice during this COVID-19 pandemic. Information is provided on current government directives, private prayer in the church, sacraments, weddings, funerals, and more.

Online Catechetical Resources

Our Catechist Robert Barr has put together a wide variety of online resources for children, teens, adult and families

COVID-19 Office Closures

The Pastoral office is now closed to the public until further notice if you need to reach a staff member, the best way to contact them is by email. A full list of their contact information is available on the COVID-19 Updates page.

Archdiocese of Regina Weekly Report

Sign up for our Archdiocese of Regina Weekly Report and stay up to date on COVID-19 Updates and other news, delivered to your inbox every Friday morning. Free! Sign up now:

Archdiocese of Regina on Social Media

We invite you to like us on Facebook, we will have regular Facebook Live prayers and we would love to have you join us!

You can also find us on Twitter @archioceseofreg and on Instagram archdioceseofregina.

Prayers, Devotions and Resources
Visit the Prayers and Devotions page to find information on daily mass, daily readings and reflections, prayers, stations of the cross and other resources that may be valuable during this time of social distancing. Also see our page with French resources:

Archdiocese of Regina Good Samaritan Project - The Archdiocese of Regina has volunteers from all around the diocese who are willing to reach out if you are in need. If you need groceries or essential items but are ill, immobile or quarantined and so not able to leave the house AT ALL (noting that NONE of us should be leaving more than absolutely necessary!) please contact us and we will set you up with a volunteer who can help. Please also contact us if you live alone and are feeling lonely and isolated. We can arrange for someone to check in on you by phone. We are committed to operating in such a way that the Health Canada Guidelines, and provincial Public Health Orders from our Chief Medical Officer and provincial government are strictly adhered to. If you need some assistance please email at any time. OR call 306-541-3086 between 9-5 Tuesday-Saturday.

Compassionate Listening

If you find that during this difficult time you need a compassionate listening ear, visit for a list of spiritual directors and candidates in training who have volunteered their time to be there for anyone who is struggling.

During this difficult time, your parish needs you!

Contact your local parish for the various ways they can keep you connected.

Our parishes have to be closed to protect the safety of all of us during this outbreak. Our parishes have regular and ongoing expenses, although we can’t attend Mass, these expenses still remain. During this time, it’s prudent to consider how you might support your parish. Your donation can be made to your ANY parish through the Archdiocese of Regina by:

Pre-authorized direct debit


Offline by cheque

By phone

Credit card

Visit our Giving Page at for more information on how you can continue to support your parish.
