Christ the King

May 28, 20202 min

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Bible Text: “I ask not only on behalf of these but also on behalf of those who will believe in me that they may all be one as you Father and I are one”. John 17. 20-26

This is the continuation of Jesus’ prayer during His most decisive point in life which is right before His suffering and death. He is foretelling his destiny which is His eternal unity with the Father and at the same time exposing His dream for the humanity. He was fervently praying for that moment for people to believe in just one God until they may be brought into the presence of God.

This dream that Jesus mentioned was planted deep down into our hearts when we were created by God. If we listen attentively to our hearts, it is longing for happiness and life. The very reason why we are in this world is precisely happiness. We want to experience extreme satisfaction in what we doing and we want to find fulfilment in various successes in life. We desire as much that happiness is something that permanent and prolonging. We want life, we long for longer life and we wish a kind of life that never ends because it is the key to happiness. Saint Augustine was very right when he said; “my heart is restless until it rests in thee”. In his search for happiness, he realized that the world has no power to give us what we are longing for. It is in the world but not the world. This bad boy turned to saint taught us that while in this world we have to follow the desire of our hearts which is to connect our heart to the Lord. We have to keep our hearts anchored to Jesus because He is the only One who can satisfy our emptiness. This is what Jesus meant by believing in Him. It is not just an act of the mind but believing is state of our hearts.

We are aware that everything in this world will someday fade away so we have to cling to something that is steady. The world can only guarantee us passing cheerfulness but God can give us lasting happiness. This pandemic is telling this kind of reality. Sickness can strike us from nowhere, economy is collapsing; everything is uncertain. There is only one Being who is immutable, omniscient and omnipotent. He is God from eternity, He is God who knows what is best for us and He is God who has the power to grant us life and happiness.

Dream is the seed of reality. Let us dream God’s dream for us and that reality will turn into eternity.
