Christ the King

Sep 30, 20202 min

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Bible Text: “Come, follow me” Luke 9. 57-62

Discipleship has a very high price. Becoming a Christian is not just all about being baptized, receiving the sacraments and supporting the needs both the church and the needy. It needs radical change.

Discipleship requires sacrifice. People who are following Jesus were moved by words so they entertained the thought of following Jesus. “I will follow you wherever you go but Jesus said, foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests but the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head”. He said this because at that time, He can no longer go back to Nazareth because there were groups who were plotting to kill Him. He has no permanent home and nothing He can call His own and He is just staying with friends and acquaintances. This is to follow Jesus, it demands self- sacrifice, not thinking about comforts in life and relying so much in divine providence. Just enjoy life being with Jesus come what may.

Discipleship requires putting always Jesus first before others in life. They said, “I will follow you Lord but let me bury first the dead but Jesus said, let the dead bury the dead and as for you go and proclaim the kingdom of God. It is not all about neglecting the needs and setting aside our responsibility to our family. Many times, family gatherings became an excuse not to fulfill our responsibility to God. Jesus is telling us bring your family closer to God. I would rather go late in a family gathering because of fulfilling my Sunday obligation than enjoy the whole day with them without fulfilling my obligation to God. Sometimes, we have to send them a message. When we tell them how important our relationship with God, it will be encouraging for them to do the same.

Discipleship requires single-mindedness. Jesus said, no one puts hands to the plow and looks back is fit to the kingdom of God. We have time for everything. Fix your heart, mind and soul in everything you do. Lukewarmness has no room in following Jesus. He wants you to come out with the best of you for God and for everybody. Working for God while our mind is wandering, the fruit will be crooked. Saint Jerome who translated the Greek and Hebrew bible into Latin which is the common language at the time and the official language of the church taught us a simple lesson. Giving our best to the Lord is the best glorification to His holy name.
